




联 系 人 :叶助欣 联系电话:13602638584


深圳市德友立欣化工有限公司是一家专业从事研发、生产以及销售高品质、环保玻璃油漆及油墨的公司。广泛应用于家具玻璃、厨柜玻璃、移门玻璃、家电玻璃、日用器皿玻璃以及各种玻璃等公司拥有一批经验丰富的专业技术人员和先进设备。引进国际领先科技和原料,与陶氏化学、杜邦公司、联合碳化、德固萨等世界性创业建立良好合作关系。公司产品具备的独特性能充分满足用户个性化的要求和环保要求,赋予玻璃晶莹剔透的特性,灵动变幻的色彩和健康鲜活的生命,使每件玻璃制品成为艺术珍品。公司近年来研发出有水性玻璃漆、水性玻璃油墨、水性金属漆。同时所有产品均通过权威检测机构SGS或CTI(华测)的环保检测,油漆、油墨产品符合美国-ASTMF963-08。欧洲EN71-3。欧盟RoHS标准 。如今,我公司“立欣”产品已广泛服务于全国各地及海外各行业用户,为国内外众多行业领域的著名品牌运营商提供了优质服务。“立欣”将以持续不断的努力,拓展更加广阔和美好的未来。立欣将与您共同发展,共创辉煌!Shenzhen Lixin Paint is a company in line of high-quality, environmental glass paint and ink development, production and sales. Our products are applicable for all kinds of glass, such as glass for furniture, kitchen cabinets, movable doors, home appliances, and daily utensils, etc.We have professional technicians and advance e And we have a strong cooperative relationship with some international companies, such as Dow, Dupont, Union Carbide, etc. With advanced technologies and first-class raw materials, our products can meet clients’ personalized and environmental re and the glass is endowed with crystal clear features and colorful life. We’d like to make every glass product a treasure. In recent years, we have developed water-based glass paint, water-based glass ink and water-based metal paint, all of which can pass the environmental testing of authority testing organizations SGS or CTI. Besides, all the paint and ink products meet standards of ASTMF963-08 for USA market, standards of EN71-3,ROHS for the European market. We’ve already presented our products to customers and serviced the customers home and abroad.Lixin constantly devotes itself to make improvement, hoping to construct a bright future with all clients.

深圳市德友立欣化工有限公司 所提供的公司介绍、产品信息等相关信息均有深圳市德友立欣化工有限公司自行负责,商品内容真实性、准确性、合法性由深圳市德友立欣化工有限公司完全承担,全天候商务网对此不承担任何保证责任。